Environmental Volunteering: Latest report via DELWP shows high latent demand
14/02/21 10:11
To support offering environmental volunteering opportunities that appeal to Victoria's diverse community, DELWP undertook a small but important piece of social research on engaging more Victorians in environmental volunteering. The project was conducted in partnership with Newgate Research.
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The BOM blogs and it is interesting!
08/02/21 15:48
You probably refer to the weather app on your phone multiple times per day and if you don't, you no doubt check the weather on the daily news to see what's coming. Vast amounts of the weather information in Australia comes from the infrastructure owned and operated by the Australian Government's Bureau Of Meteorology (BOM).
With vast resources in both intellectual and computing power, some of their experts generously contribute to educating the rest of us on the dark ways of the weather (aka Mother Nature). Read More…